Mermaid Medicine ®

Medical Acupuncture – Diving Medicine

Diving Medicine

As a PADI Dive master Diving Medicine is one of my profound interests and currently I am the only acupuncturist on the world treating divers with specific diving problems with acupuncture. A diver would love to feel like a fish under water so that’s why an optimal health is very important!

To share my knowledge with my acupuncture colleagues – worldwide – I have written the book Diving Medical Acupuncture published by Singing Dragon the 19th of April 2018. I also give lectures and workshops about this subject to acupuncturists (see Seminars).

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Janneke Vermeulen – Whales and dolphins watching in San Diego, USA, 2013.

It is a challenge and passion for me to deal with divers with “clearing-the-ear” problems. Usually this problem is caused by swollen membranes or mucus in the Eustachian tube due to an allergy or chronic rhinosinusitis. With acupuncture you can shrink the swollen mucous membranes and reduce the mucus production and any present mucus can easily be released.

Acupuncture can be very effective in preventing a middle ear infection. If the Eustachian tube can be opened well, there is optimal ventilation of the ear so there is less chance of any infection and inflammation. During the treatment you might observe that the Eustachian tube is opening and you can test clearing the ears directly.

With acupuncture, you can also improve lung function, which is very helpful if you do not want to use too much compressed air and you can then stay under water a long time!

I have treated many divers successfully from around the country and they can then more easily descend and ascend in the water.

As a diver I know how it feels under water, what the pressure of the water does to your body and mind and that makes it easier to give the right advice and treatment.

If the assessment of an ENT specialist is required, such as a checkup after a perforation of the eardrum, I will refer to “diving” otolaryngologists of the Dutch Association of Diving Medicine, I have been with them under water in wonderful tropical oceans (we have been together in between sharks…) so that it is easy talking about clients afterwards.

The Scott Haldane Foundation has made an exceptional for me and as a non-physician I have been admitted to follow their diving medicine courses so I can gain the best level of expertise. At this moment I have passed five very interesting courses (Egypte, the Philippines, Indonesia and Micronesia),

Acupuncture gives you more energy and as a diver you feel better under the water!

Surfers and swimmers with chronic ear and nose problems can also be treated with acupuncture.

Janneke with her camera in Micronesia. Course “Diving Accidents” with the Scott Haldane Foundation, 2011. Photo made by dr. Simon Mitchell from New Zealand, anaesthesiologist specialized in Hyperbaric Medicine.