- PhD program 5th year: Blind review stage thesis, Nanjing University of Chinese Medicine, China.
- Webinar ‘Cosmology of Huang Di Nei Jing in 2024: Wood Dragon Year’, dr. Li Jie, Qing-Bai Academie voor Chinese Geneeswijze.
- Webinars ‘Sports Guidance and TCM’, ‘Moxa for complaints of the musculoskeletal system’ and ‘Acupuncture Treatment of the Low Back and Hip’, NVA, Week of Acupuncture, November 11-15, 2024.
- Three-day course ‘Motivational Interviewing’, VIAPERSPECTIVE, Driebergen.
- Two-day course ‘Breathing in Practice’, The Health Fundament, Arnhem.
- PhD program 4th and 5th year: performing promotion research ‘Acupuncture for Nasal Congestion in Allergic Rhinitis: An Open-Label, Randomized, Monocenter Trial ((ANCAR Trial)’ and writing thesis, Nanjing University of Chinese Medicine, China.
- Course ‘Approaching everyday complaints: weight changes’, Rolf Eussen, Qing-Bai, Amersfoort.
- Lectures ‘Integrative Medicine, oncology and acupuncture’ with – among others – Ines von Rosenstiel, physician Integrative Medicine/pediatrician at Rijnstate Hospital, NVA, Amersfoort.
- Supervising trainee/student Academy Bo Yi.
- Webinars ‘Migraine’ and ‘Hayfever’, NVA, Week of Acupuncture, November 13-17, 2023.
- Training as a Lifestyle Coach GLI (Quality Register Physiotherapy NL), VIAPERSPECTIVE, Driebergen.
- PhD program 3rd and 4th year: preparing promotion research ‘Acupuncture for Nasal Congestion in Allergic Rhinitis: An Open-Label, Randomized, Monocenter Trial’ and writing background study thesis, Nanjing University of Chinese Medicine, China.
- Introduction into Classical Chinese, Translating Chinese Medicine, dr. Sabine Wilms, USA.
- 45 years NVA Anniversary Congress ‘Landing in yourself’, Den Dolder. Janneke received the silver NVA-pin due to 25 years of membership!
- Webinars ‘Dare to ask! Violence in the acupuncture practice’, ‘Which diet suits me? How to learn to follow your intuition’, ‘Coming home to yourself – TCM and Zhineng Qigong exercises’, ‘Practical: Five Elements Acupuncture and taking care of yourself’, NVA, Week of Acupuncture, November 14-18, 2022.
- PhD program 2nd year: Shang Han Lun, TCM Gynaecology and thesis proposal; 3rd year with online presentation study design promotion research to defending committee from NJUCM, Nanjing University of Chinese Medicine, China.
- Webinar ‘Chinese Herbal Medicine – Prevention and Treatment of COVID-19’, Prof. Shulan Tang, Shulan College of Chinese Medicine, UK.
- Webinar ‘The Power of Breath – Where science and spirituality meet’, Rajshree Patel and Emma Seppälä, PhD, The Art of Living.
- Webinars ‘Low Back Pain’, ‘Migraine’ and ‘Acupuncture on the Map’, NVA – Week of Acupuncture, November 15-19, 2021.
- PhD modules 1st year: Shang Han Lun, Acupuncture Scientific Research, Development of TCM Theory, Research Methodology and Clinical Application of Acupuncture; 2nd year: Shang Han Lun, study design promotion research, Nanjing University of Chinese Medicine, China.
- Master Face Reading Mentorship Program – Topics: ‘In-Depth Look at the Wei Qi Area of the Face’, ‘Earth at the Center of Healing’ and ‘New Interpretations of Some Markings’, Lillian Pearl Bridges, Lotus Institute, Inc., USA.
- Start PhD program into ‘Acupuncture and Moxibustion’ at Nanjing University of Chinese Medicine, China.
- NLP Practitioner Training, Mind Academy.
- Dry Needling, De Berekuyl Academy.
- TCM for women before, during and after childbirth, Mei Xing, Shenzhou Open University of TCM, Amsterdam.
- Publication book ‘Diving Medical Acupuncture’ by Singing Dragon (19th of April 2018).
- Lecture ‘Endometriosis’, NVA.
- TCM Congress ‘Yangsheng’, Rothenburg ob der Tauber, Germany.
- 8th International Conference on Traditional Medicine and Acupuncture ‘Exploring Innovations of Traditional & Alternative Medicine’, Rome, Italy.
- International Symposium Diving Medicine, Scott Haldane Foundation.
- NVA Anniversary Conference ‘Let’s talk about sex’.
- Quality Conference RGF ‘Together in motion’.
- Symposium ‘Medication and Diving’, Stichting Duik Research, AMC, University of Amsterdam.
- Program ‘Three Times Future Perspective’, NVA.
- Course ‘Scar Tissue Rejuvenation’, Philip Strong from Australia, Qing-Bai.
- Course ‘Professional presenting’ from Remco Heukels, VvAA, Utrecht.
- Course ‘Acuregen Cosmetic Acupuncture and Collagen Induction Techniques’ from Amanda Shayle, Human Balance Teachings, Heelsum.
- Course ‘Another view at Zang Fu’ from Ineke van der Ham, Qing Bai, Amersfoort.
- Course ‘(Patho) physiology and Medicine of Apnoea Diving’ with prof. Erika Schagatay and prof. Jochen Schipke, Stichting Duik Research, AMC, University of Amsterdam.
- Course ‘Fu’s Subcutaneous Needling’ by dr. Jidong Wu, Shenzhou University, Amsterdam. New acupuncture techniques (FSN®) – developed by dr. Zhong-Hua Fu – to treat trigger points and ASHI (pain) points.
- Participant NVA-research ‘MAPPHS: Measuring impact of Acupuncture treatment on Pain Patients’ Health Status’.
- Course ‘Pulmonology and Diving’, Stichting Duik Research, AMC, University of Amsterdam.
- Lecture ‘Fascia, the missing link?’, RGF, Maassluis.
- Refresher course ‘CPR and AED’, Reanimatiepartners, Voorburg.
- Lecture ‘Needling Concepts, the needle as medicine’, NVA, Amersfoort.
- ‘Adiposity and Diving’, Dutch Diving Medicine Federation (NVD), Amsterdam .
- Quality Conference Physiotherapy ‘Show what you do!’ with workshop ‘High cervical research and skills’, RGF, Maassluis.
- Publication 35 protocol and art photos in the book “Constitutional Facial Acupuncture” from Mary Elizabeth Wakefield from New York, USA. Edition from Churchill Livingstone, Elsevier England.
- Master Program “Face Reading in Chinese Medicine” from professor Lillian Pearl Bridges – world’s leading expert in Face Reading in Chinese Medicine – in Los Angeles and San Diego, USA. I worked in an international private class on my Master Degree in Facial Diagnosis.
- Quality Conference RGF ”Fysiotherapeut: dirigeer uw toekomst!”
- Course “Diagnostics of the Spine”, Manual Therapy Marsman (6 days).
- Quality Conference RGF “Technology in Physiotherapy”.
- Private lessons “Face Reading in Chinese Medicine” from prof. Lillian Pearl Bridges, Issaquah-Washington State, USA.
- Publication of 230 photos in “Face Reading in Chinese Medicine, Second Edition” from professor Lillian Pearl Bridges, Issaquah, USA, published by Churchill Livingstone, Elsevier (July 2012).
- Course “Chinese Head Massage”, Training Centre OTCG, Antwerp, Belgium.
- NVA Congress 2012 “TCM and Oncology”, Amersfoort.
- Assisting Mary Elizabeth Wakefield from the USA during workshop “Advanced Constitutional Facial Acupuncture”, TCM Congress Rothenburg, Germany.
- Workshop “Constitutional Facial Acupuncture: the 3 Yangs” from Mary Elizabeth Wakefield from New York, USA.
- Janneke Vermeulen appears on television in “Altijd jong” at RTL4 (October 2012), treats presenter Tanja Jess and tells about Face Reading in Chinese Medicine, Acupuncture and Facial Acupuncture.
- Pacific Symposium 2012 in San Diego.
- Workshop “Fibonacci” from Mary Elizabeth Wakefield in Santa Fe, USA.
- Seminar “Feng Shui for Health and Healing” from prof. Lillian Pearl Bridges from the USA, through my own training institute “Golden Needle TCM College”.
- Seminar “Nefeli Body and Facial Resculpting” from dr. Ping Zhang from the USA.
- Workshop “Constitutional Facial Acupuncture Renewal – Part I” from Mary Elizabeth Wakefield from the USA, through my own training institute “Golden Needle TCM College”.
- Seminar “Facial Diagnosis” from prof. Lillian Pearl Bridges from the USA, through my own training institute “Golden Needle TCM College”.
- “3rd Scandinavian TCM Congress” in Fjerritslev, Denmark.
- Workshop “Constitutional Facial Acupuncture Renewal – Part II” from Mary Elizabeth Wakefield from the USA, through my own training institute “Golden Needle TCM College”.
- “Golden Path Workshop” by professor Lillian Pearl Bridges from the USA through my own training institute “Golden Needle TCM College”.
- Specialty course “Diving Accidents”, Scott Haldane Foundation, Palau, Micronesia.
- Quality Conference RGF “Pain”.
- Course RGF “Motivational Interviewing”.
- Course “Chinese Herbal Medicine: Herbs and Food which regulates QI stagnation and herbal formulas that strengthen Qi and Yang, TCM Postgraduate.
- Seminar “Face Reading in Chinese Medicine” by professor Lillian Pearl Bridges from the USA, through my own training institute “Golden Needle TCM College”.
- Assisting workshop Facial Rejuvenation Acupuncture “by Virginia Doran, TCM Congress Rothenburg, Germany.
- Workshop “Esoteric Acupunctue: Gateway to Expanded Healing” by dr. Mikio Sankey from the USA through my own training institute “Golden Needle TCM College”.
- “Golden Path Workshop” by professor Lillian Pearl Bridges from the USA through my own training institute “Golden Needle TCM College”.
- August 2010: Article “Facelift without a knife”, newspaper the “Telegraaf”.
- Follow-up Workshop “Esoteric Acupuncture” by Dr. Mikio Sankey from the USA through my own training institute “Golden Needle TCM College”.
- Workshop “Auriculotherapy” by Terry Oleson, PhD from the USA through my own training institute “Golden Needle TCM College”.
- I did get the Award 2010 Chi-Akra Center, USA. Workhops “Facial and Planetary Soundscapes” from Mary Elizabeth Wakefield, Santa Fe, New Mexico.
- Pacific Symposium for Acupuncture, San Diego, USA.
- Seminar “The Five Elements” by professor Lillian Pearl Bridges from the USA, through my own training institute “Golden Needle TCM College”.
- Photo project for professor Lillian Pearl Bridges’ second book about “Face Reading in Chinese Medicine”, making portraits of many different patients with specific diseases and emotional problems.
- 2008-2010: I have worked as an editor of the journal “Huang Ti” from the NVA. This magazine with articles on all developments in acupuncture field, appears six times a year and is circulated to all NVA-members.
- “British Conference of Acupuncture & Oriental Medicine” at the “Royal Holloway University” of London, Great Britain (including college “Face Reading in Chinese Medicine” by professor Lillian Pearl Bridges; colleges Infertility” by Zita West and Debra Betts).
- Assisting Virginia Doran during workshop “Facial Rejuvenation Acupuncture and Massage” in Amsterdam.
- Specialty Course “ENT and Diving,” Scott Haldane Foundation, Bali, Indonesia.
- Setting up training institute “Golden Needle TCM College for International Postgraduate Education”.
- Course “Introduction to Japanese Acupuncture” by Andy Harrop, TCM Postgraduate.
- “Masterclass of Japanese acupuncture” by physician Kiiko Matsumoto at the “University of Westminster” in London, UK.
- Quality Conference RGF.
- Course “Infertility” by Jan Schroën, TCM Postgraduate
- Workshop “Facial Rejuvenation Acupuncture” by Virginia Doran in Birmingham, UK.
- Development of PR Project “NVA Agenda 2009″ for the Dutch Association for Acupuncture.
- Course “Craniofacial and craniomandibular dysfunctions and pain” by Harry JM von Piekartz, NPI Arnhem.
- Seminar “Chronic Fatique Syndrome, Depression and Anxiety, Benign Prostatic Hyper Trophy, and Prostatitis Erectile Disfunction” by Giovanni Maciocia.
- NAAV Anniversary Conference “Vital aging with acupuncture and specific exercise and nutrition”.
- NVA Anniversary Conference “From integration to inspiration”.
- Course Japanese Skull Acupuncture (method by dr. Yamamoto) by dr. David J. Kopsky and prof. Jan M. Keppel Hesselink.
- Physiotherapy Symposium “Somatization and Labor”.
- World Symposium “TCM Acupuncture and Moxibustion”, Tarragona, Spain (with certificate “Nicotine Withdrawal Syndrome by Means of TCM” = “Anti-smoking treatment).
- Course “Headache, asthma, allergic rhinitis, menopausal problems and endometriosis” by Giovanni Maciocia.
- Course “Hypnopunctuur” of dr. David J. Kopsky and prof. Jan M. Keppel Hesselink.
- Specialty Course “The diver and his environment, Scott Haldane Foundation, Sulawesi, Indonesia.
- Together with three people from the ICT world, I have developed the company for paramedics software MedBiz B.V.
- PADI Divemaster License, PADI No. 978 436.
- Basic course “Diving Medicine Otolaryngology, Scott Haldane Foundation, Negros, Philippines.
- Basic course “Diving Medicine”, Dahab, Egypt,Scott Haldane Foundation,
- Course “Transpersonal Meditation Acupuncture III” by dr. David J. Kopsky and prof. Jan M. Keppel Hesselink.
- Course “Direct Access Physiotherapy.
- Manual Therapy Training Marsman.
- Internship at the International Acupuncture Training Centre in Beijing, China (including Nose- and Earproblems, Back and neckproblems, Infertility).
- Course “Vitamins, minerals and the relation with TCM”.
- Course “Transpersonal Meditation Acupuncture II” by dr. David J. Kopsky and prof. Jan M. Keppel Hesselink.
- Course “Pharmacology and Pharmacognosy”, Dutch Association for Phytotherapy.
- Course “Transpersonal Meditation Acupuncture I” by dr. David J. Kopsky and prof. Jan M. Keppel Hesselink.
- Foundation for Physical Therapy Practice “The Octopus” in The Hague.
- Congress “Physiotherapy and mobility”.
- Symposium “From rehabilitation to reactivation”.
- Course “Surface electromyography in the practice”, NPI in Arnhem.
- Course “Burnout”, Shenzhou Open University of Amsterdam.
- Course “Zi Wu Liu Zhu” (Meridian Clock), Shenzhou Open University of Amsterdam.
- Course “RSI and Stress Management”, Post Graduate TCM.
- Course “TCM and Cancer”, Postgraduate TCM.
- Congress “The power of physiotherapy”.
- Course “Communication for Physiotherapists”.
- Course “Reporting”.
- Module “Clinical Psychology” at the Open University Netherlands.
- Course “Body Awareness and stress management”, NPI, Arnhem.
- Creation of “Practice for Acupuncture J.M. Vermeulen” in The Hague.
- Course “Pain” by dr. H.G. Kho, anesthetist-acupuncturist.
- Course “Methodical act”.
- Course “Leisure”, NPI Arnhem.
- Course “Evidence Based Practice”.
- Module “Social Psychology” at the Open University Netherlands.
- Course “Ear Acupuncture” (Auriculotherapy), Acupuncture College “Jing Ming” in Antwerp, Belgium.
- Course “Listen to the Mountain”, Acupuncture College “Jing Ming” College in Antwerp, Belgium.
- “Bao Ku” Chinese Herbal Studies in Utrecht.
- Course “Immunology”, Acupuncture College “Jing Ming” in Antwerp, Belgium.
- NVA Congress “Traditional Chinese Medicine in modern Western society”.
- Course “Treatment of allergy in TCM”, Acupuncture College “Jing Ming”, Antwerp, Belgium.
- Creation of “Practice of Chinese Medicine JM Vermeulen” in Voorburg.
- Employed as a General-Physiotherapist in Practice for Physical Therapy “Voorburg ‘t Loo” in Voorburg.
- Course “Chinese Skull Acupuncture, Acupuncture College “Jing Ming”, Antwerp, Belgium.
- Acupuncture College “Jing Ming”, Antwerp, Belgium (including one month hospital internship in Nanchang, Jiangxi College for Traditional Chinese Medicine, with academic record, China).
- Beginners course Modern Chinese, Vereniging Nederland-China (VNC), Den Haag.
- Course ‘Bandage’, dr. C.R. v.d. Hoogenband.
- Guiding cycling holidays for adults and sail/surfing holidays for youth for Vinea in Denmark, Sweden, Norway and southern France.
- Physiotherapy, Zuyd University of Applied Sciences, Heerlen (internship at the Orthopedic-rheumatic Fachklinik “Schwertbad” in Aachen, Germany).
- Law, University of Utrecht.
- VWO, Grotius College, Heerlen.