Mermaid Medicine ®

Medical Acupuncture – Diving Medicine

Scientific Research

In 2023 Janneke’s promotion research ‘Acupuncture for Nasal Congestion in Allergic Rhinitis: An Open-Label, Randomized, Monocenter Trial (ANCAR Trial)‘ has been conducted. The effects of a 6-weeks acupuncture treatment protocol are compared to the usage of Carelastin® azelastine nasal spray.
This  research is designed because of Janneke’s PhD study at Nanjing University of Chinese Medicine (NJUCM) in China. Supervisors from Janneke are prof. Tianshu Xu and prof. Peilin Sun. The independent medical expert of the ANCAR Trial is dr. Menno Gaastra, medical-director and dermatologist for Skin Medical Center in Amsterdam, in the Noordwest Ziekenhuisgroep and Centrum Oosterwal in Alkmaar. Dr. Kazem Nasserinejad, statistician at Erasmus MC, has now analysed the research results and Janneke is integrating the statistical outcomes in her thesis yet . The research protocol is examined positively by METC Brabant and registered at in the USA and the CCMO in the Netherlands.

The ANCAR Trial is sponsored partly by the Dutch Acupuncture Association (NVA) as their opinion is that this scientific initiative contributes to acupuncture in the Netherlands. Docsave® supplied the required Cloud & Dragon® acupuncture needles.