Mermaid Medicine ®

Medical Acupuncture – Diving Medicine

Seminar Schedule






“We were very pleased to have Janneke Vermeulen as one of our 2021 FSOMA Conference speakers teaching a class on Diving Medical Acupuncture. Her evaluations from the students were excellent for content, presentation, knowledge of the topic and ability to answer questions.
While this topic is very specific the amount of knowledge presented on ear, nose and throat was very helpful for many related conditions and offered students very deep knowledge.
We had planned on having her present live, however due to COVID travel restrictions we had to move her to present from her home and put her into the classroom by Zoom. She did a great job helping us as we all adjusted to an unexpected presentation style showing great composure and assistance.”

Ellen Teeter, Executive Director Florida State Oriental Medical Association, Bradenton, USA, 2022.

“The 20th of November 2015 Janneke Vermeulen has provided a brilliant course day for TCM Postgraduate at the Victoria Park Plaza Hotel in Amsterdam. The subject was: Acupuncture for ENT Problems seen with Divers. Combined with a fantastic PowerPoint Presentation Janneke gave insights in Diving Medicine, Western diagnostics and a brief explanation of the Western treatments. Thereafter the focus was shifted to diagnostics and treatment options in Chinese Medicine. Soon became clear that the specific subject was suitable for diagnosing and treating ENT problems in general as well. There was extensive attention for the most important acupuncture points regarding ENT pathology, the location of these points, needle techniques and advice. In short: it was an inspiring training day based on integration of Western and Eastern Medicine and valued by the students as excellent!”

Gerard Smienk, Director TCM Postgraduate, Amsterdam, the Netherlands, 2016.